Abir Singh Khangura – Esraj Recital on May 24, 2013

May 24, 2013, 8 PM in the Salon de Musique of the Ali Akbar College Abir Singh Khangura, Apurba Mukherjee – Tabla will present an evening program of North Indian classical music. Abir Singh Khangura belongs to the musical lineage of his Father Prof. Mohan Singh Khangura, disciple of Pandit Dhruvatara Joshi of Agra Gharana and Pandit Asesh Bandopadhyay of Vishnupur Gharana and his Mother Smt Suchismita Singh. Born in Shantiniketan, Abir began his Esraj training from Sri Ranadhir Roy, disciple of Pandit Asesh Bandopadhyay. After the untimely demise of his guru, Abir continued with Sri Buddhadev Das of the same tradition. Later he had the good fortune to receive training from Dr. Sisirkana Dhar Chowdhury, disciple of Ustad Ali Akbar Khan of the Maihar Gharana. Along with receiving a national scholarship from Governement of India, Abir has received many awards including the junior fellowship in the field of Hindustani […]

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Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan – Vocal Recital on May 11, 2013

May 11, 2013, 8 PM in the Salon de Musique of the Ali Akbar College Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan – Vocal, Sankar P. Choudhury – Tabla, and Hares Khan – Harmonium will present a program of Indian classical and Sufi vocal music of North India. Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan ist der Sohn, Meisterschüler und Nachfolger des legendären, verstorbenen Altmeisters Ustad Salamat AIi Khan. Er repräsentiert die elfte Generation der Gesangstradition der Sham Chaurasia Gharana. Die im Panjab beheimatete Tradition führt bis in die Zeiten des Mogul Kaisers Akbar zurück, welcher durch grosszügige Förderung der Künste an seinem Hof der klassischen Musik Nord-Indiens eine Blütezeit ermöglichte. Nach der Unabhängigkeit und Teilung lndiens zog die Familie wie Millionen andere ins neu entstandene Pakistan und liess sich in Multan, Stadt der zahlreichen Sufi Schreine nieder. Ustad Salamat und Ustad Nazakat Ali Khan wurden zum Starduo der pakistanischen Klassik Szene. Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan […]

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