The 35th Annual Seminar will take place from Nov. 11 to 17, 2020

Dear Students and Friends,

It is a pleasure to announce the 35th Annual Seminar of the Ali Akbar College of Music – Switzerland (Part I), which will take place from November 11 -17, 2020! Thirty-five years is an important milestone for the College and certainly calls for a celebration! However, due to the Covid pandemic, we have decided to wait until November 2021 to present Part II of the 35th Annual Seminar, which will include the 35th Jubilee celebration & Gala concert (as well as the 36th Annual Seminar).

The teaching during this seminar will take place partly live and partly on Zoom. For example, both Maestro Swapan Chaudhuri and Daniel Bradley will be teaching exclusively on Zoom. Ken Zuckerman’s classes will take place in a hybrid format, with several students “live” at the Ali Akbar College and the remainder on Zoom. (The “live” students will rotate so that everyone will be able to have some time in the classroom.) The review classes as well as the beginning tabla lessons will take place mostly live at the Musik-Akademie. We are confident that with these adjustments, we will be able to offer an excellent learning experience for all the students!

The 35th Annual Seminar features the following activities:

I. Intensive Instrumental and Vocal Seminar: November 11 – 17

II. Intensive Tabla Seminar with Swapan Chaudhuri: November 11 -17


I. Intensive Instrumental and Vocal Seminar: November 11 -17

Ken Zuckerman – This seminar will take place online via Zoom and will consist of classes for beginning, intermediate and advanced students. Classes include tala exercises, instrumental and vocal repertoire and instrumental workshops. Each class will also have available between 1 and 2 places in the live classroom at the Salon de Musique of the Ali Akbar College. Students who wish to participate in these live classes should let us know and they will then receive a Doodle scheduler to sign up for these places.

Daniel Bradley – This sitar seminar will take place entirely on Zoom. The teaching will be done in a “master class” format, in which Daniel will work individually with one student and a time with the other students permitted to observe. After registering for the seminar, the sitar students will be requested to arrange their lesson times directly with Daniel. Also, those students who wish to observe are requested to inform Daniel so that he can send them the corresponding invitation links.

Nadia Oberli and Vittoria Pagani will give live review classes in the Klaus-Linder Saal of the Music Academy of Basel. These lessons will review the compositions that are being taught in the vocal and instrumental classes of Ken Zuckerman.

II. Intensive Tabla Seminar with Swapan Chaudhuri: November 11 – 17

Our tabla maestro, Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri, will give online classes for intermediate and advanced students. The intermediate classes will take place each day from 19.00 to 20.30 and the advanced classes will follow, from 20.30 to 22.00. Students who wish to observe the lessons are requested to contact Ken Zuckerman so that he can arrange for invitation links.

Harprit Singh will give live tabla classes for the beginner and advanced beginner students. These classes will take place in Studio 1 at the Music Academy. After registering for the seminar the students will be asked to contact Harprit directly to schedule their lessons.

Tuition fees:
Full participation in the seminar, including vocal, tala, instrumental (sitar, sarod, tabla & western instruments), and all review classes is as follows: for all 7 days, CHF 550.-
— Full participation in all of Ken Zuckerman’s vocal and instrumental classes without any review classes for 6 days costs CHF 400.-
— Full participation in either Ken Zuckerman’s vocal or instrumental classes without any review classes for 6 days costs CHF 250.-
Tabla classes with Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri cost CHF 70.- per day. (Students may also take part as observers in the lessons that they are not actively attending without paying any additional fees.)
Sitar lessons with Daniel Bradley cost CHF 70.- per day. (Students may also take part as observers in the lessons that they are not actively attending without paying any additional fees.)
— The costs for the “live” tabla lessons with Harprit Singh (individual & group), will be determined when we know how many students will be participating.
— The costs for the “live” review classes with Nadia Oberli & Vittoria Pagani, as well as “live” individual lessons, will be determined when we know how many students will be participating.
— Please contact the College if your participation in the Seminar does not fall into any of the above listed categories. (For example, if you cannot attend classes for all 7 days or if you wish to participate in a mixture of classes). We will then let you know what the costs will be. In some cases, tuition reductions may be possible to arrange.

To register for the seminar, please send an email to us at

Please send us an email indicating which classes and how many days you would like to register for. If these do not fit into any of the above listed categories, we will then calculate the fees and let you know about the costs. Please note that for the online classes of Ken Zuckerman and Swapan Chaudhuri, you will also receive a recording of each class several hours after the class is over. Therefore, you can still register for classes even if you will not be able to take part in them when they are actually being taught. This will help you keep up with the lessons and get the most out of the seminar. (For the online lessons with Daniel Bradley, you will need to schedule your individual lesson times with Daniel in advance. Therefore, after registering, please contact Daniel:

Please also contact the College if you have any questions about the seminar.

2020 Seminar Schedule / Stundenplan
35th Annual Seminar Stundenplan Deutsch Corr2

Click on image to enlarge.

35th Annual Seminar Announcement Deutsch3


Click on a photos to enlarge.


Fav_sitars with Daniel

Fav_sarod and sitar

Fav_group with Ken

Fav_Tabla_beginners with Swapanda