The Legendary Maestro and Teacher – Ustad Ali Akbar Khan

Maestro Ali Akbar Khan passed away peacefully on the evening of June 18, 2009, surrounded by his family and close disciples. He was 87 years old and had been suffering from kidney disease for several years. Khansahib’s long life and career spanned epochs and continents. He was one of the last “court musicians” of the old India and was the first Indian musician to record in the West. Yehudi Menuhin, who invited him to perform and record in the USA in 1955, called him “an absolute genius – perhaps the greatest musician in the world.”

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25th Annual Seminar: November 21 – 28, 2010

The Ali Akbar College of Music – Switzerland celebrates its 25th anniversary this year! Our yearly seminar will take place again in November from the 21st to the 28th, and will include several special events to mark this important milestone, including a gala concert on November 27th. The details will be posted here in the coming weeks. They main events will include: November 21 to 28 – Annual Seminar for beginning, intermediate and advanced students. November 26 to 28 – Introductory seminar (Schnupperkurs), for those who wish to take part in a short introduction to Indian music. November 27 – Gala concert with guest artists from both eastern and western music traditions.

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Concert – Songs of Love, Ragas of Longing

MUSICA FIORITA and the Ali Akbar College of Music – Switzerland On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of MUSICA FIORITA and in Honour of the visit to Basel of HRH Shriji ARVIND SINGH MEWAR, the 76th Maharana of Udaipur present Meeting Two Worlds of Modal Music – Indian Ragas & Medieval Song Songs of Love – Ragas of Longing Ken Zuckerman – Sarod, Dhotar Hanna Järveläinen –Soprano Sankar P. Chowdhury – Tabla „Zum Hohen Dolder“ St. Albansvorstadt 35, Basle Saturday, June 12th, 5 p.m. Tickets Fr. 35.- / 25.- (students) By reservation only! 061 273 93 02 (answering machine) “Ten times more than the flowers needed to build a mountain up to the sky are the sweet greetings I send you, and may God fill you with love for me.” Jehan De Lescurel

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Concert with master bamboo flutist Ronu Majumdar

Sonntag, 11. April 2010 20.00 Uhr Grosser Saal der Musik-Akademie Basel Ronu Majumdar is one of India’s most virtuosic masters of the bansuri (bamboo flute). He began playing under the guidance of his father Dr. Bhanu Majumdar, late Lakshman Prasad Jaipurwale and finally the revered Vijay Raghav Rao. He was also fortunate to receive training from his grand guru Pandit Ravi Shankar. An inventive and powerful performer, Ronu Majumdar is firmly rooted in the Maihar gharana which has also given riseto to such musical legends as Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan. To listen to samples and read more about Ronu, visit his website Ronu will be accompanied on Tabla by Indranil Mallick, a very talented disciple of Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri.

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Maestro Ali Akbar Khan ist am 18. Juni 2009 gestorben

Der weltweit bekannte Meister des Sarods Ali Akbar Khan ist am 18.Juni 2009 im Alter von 87 Jahren nach jahrelangem Nierenleiden gestorben. Khansahib’s langes Leben und seine Karriere überspannte Epochen und Kontinente. Er war einer der letzten „Hofmusiker“ des alten Indiens und nahm die erste Schallplatte mit indischer Musik im Westen auf. Yehudi Menuhin, der ihn 1955 für Konzerte und Aufnahmen in die USA einlud, nannte ihn „an absolute genius…perhaps the greatest musician in the world.“ Ali Akbar Khan war der einzige Sohn von Allaudin Khan, ein legendärer Musiker, der die indische Instrumentalmusik revolutionierte und einige der bekanntesten indischen Musiker ausbildete, einschliesslich seines Sohnes und Ravi Shankar. Seine Ausbildung war äusserst streng und oft musste er bis zu 18 Stunden am Tag üben. Sein Debüt an der All India Music Conference in Allahabad in 1939 eröffnete ein neues Kapitel in der indischen Instrumentalmusik durch seine Art des Sarod-Spiels. Er ist […]

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Maestro Ali Akbar Khan passed away on June 18, 2009

Maestro Ali Akbar Khan passed away peacefully on the evening of June 18, 2009, surrounded by his family and close disciples. He was 87 years old and had been suffering from kidney disease for several years. Khansahib’s long life and career spanned epochs and continents. He was one of the last “court musicians” of the old India and was the first Indian musician to record in the West. Yehudi Menuhin, who invited him to perform and record in the USA in 1955, called him “an absolute genius – perhaps the greatest musician in the world.” Ali Akbar Khan was the only son of Allauddin Khan, a legendary musician who revolutionized Indian instrumental music and trained some of India’s most renowned musicians, including his son and Ravi Shankar. His training was extremely rigorous, and he sometimes had to practice up to 18 hours a day. His concert debut at the All […]

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Upcoming Concert in Salon de Musique – Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 7, 2008 19.00 Salon de Musique, Birmannsgasse 42 Jeffrey Werbock – Musik aus Azerbaijan Jeffrey Werbock wird am Sonntag, den 7. September um 19.00 Uhr im Salon de Musique einen Abend der instrumentellen Soloimprovisation presentieren. Seine Musik basiert auf traditionellem Mugham aus Azerbaijan, gespielt auf dem Oud (kurzhalsige Laute aus Holz), dem Tar (langhalsige Laute aus Haut) und dem Kamanche (Speichengeige aus Haut). Mugham aus Azerbaijan ist eine Form der einstimmigen, modalen Musik, ausgesprochen microtonal, unmetrisch und dicht verziert. Nach östlichen Traditionen der Themenvariation baut die Musik auf komplexen, teilweise improvisierten Melodielinien und übermittelt eine Mischung von Gefühlen wie Trauer und Freude, Ãœbermut und Leid. Herr Werbock gibt seit über dreissig Jahren Konzerte unter anderem im Lincoln Center (New York), im Metropolitan Museum of Art, dem American Museum of Natural History, Asia Society und dem World Music Institute und referiert ausserdem im ganzen englischsprachigen Raum. Das Nationale Musikkonservatorium von […]

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